[Answer ID: 12183]

How do I access the configuration interface of the AirStation?

Created 04/07/2011 10:02  |   Updated 04/23/2014 15:54

To access the AirStation’s advanced settings, use the web-based configuration interface.

Buffalo AirStation's default IP address is :

Router Mode
Bridge Mode


  1. Connect the PC to the AirStation.
  2. Launch a web browser.
  3. Enter the AirStation's IP address in the address field, then press the [Enter] key.
    If Router LED is off or no router LED, the AirStation is in Bridge Mode and the default IP is

    Note: If the AirStation is in bridge mode and there is no DHCP connected to PC, assign a static IP address to PC.
  4. Logging in : Enter the username and password, then click [OK].
    For Username and Password refer to administrator Card if it was included with the AirStation.

    Factory Default of User-Friendly firmware

    Username: root
    Password: (empty)

    Factory Default of Professional firmware

    Username: root
    Password: admin


Alternatively :

Before operation
  • You should connect your PC to the AirStation by wireless or wired to access the web-based configuration interface.
  • If the AirStation Configuration Tool is not installed, install it with the Setup CD.
  • Disable the security software temporarily.

    ImageTrend Micro Titanium
    *The Personal firewall has been removed since Trend Micro Titanium 2011.
    You don't need to operate the steps.
    ImageK7 Total Security


  1. Select [Start] - [All Programs] - [BUFFALO] - [AirStation Utility] - [BUFFALO AirStation Configuration Tool].
  2. Click [Next].
  3. Select the AirStation that you want to configure, then click [Next].
  4. Enter the username and password, then click [OK].
    For Username and Password refer to administrator Card if it was included with the AirStation.

    Factory Default of User-Friendly firmware

    Username: root
    Password: (empty)

    Factory Default of Professional firmware

    Username: root
    Password: admin



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