[Answer ID: 11608]

How can I stop resident software on your computer?

Created 03/08/2011 14:28  |   Updated 04/23/2014 16:00

The procedure is different depending on your type of OS.

Windows 7 or Windows Vista
  1. For Windows 7, click [Start], enter msconfig in the "Search programs and files" box, and press or click [Enter] (key).

    For Windows Vista, click [Start], enter msconfig in the "Start Search" box, and press or click [Enter] (key).

  2. Click the General tab.

  3. Select the "Selective Startup" option and uncheck the checkbox for "Load startup items".

  4. Click the Startup tab.
  5. Click [Disable all] other than the items which are provided from Microsoft Corporation, then click [OK].
  6. Restart the computer.

    After you finish the configuration, restore the settings by the opposite procedure above.


Windows XP
  1. Click [Start]-[Run]. In a Run window, enter msconfig and click or press [Enter] (key).

  2. On the Gerenal tab, select the Selective Startup and uncheck the checkbox for "Load startup items".

  3. Click the Startup tab.

  4. Click [Disable all], then click [OK].

  5. Restart your computer.

    After you finish the configuration, restore the settings by the opposite procedure above.




OS / Hardware

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